Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Most Important New Years Resolution

I normally do not make New Years resolutions, since I never seem to keep them.

This year, however, I have changed my mind.
I decided to make a resolution that would make a difference.
I am just sick over the news reports daily of missing children, and wondered, "how could I help?" Well, then it hit me! Hopefully my website will reach readers all over the world, so what better place to put Amber Alerts! Please visit my page often and really, really look at these pictures! If we all do, someone, somewhere will recognize one, and maybe, we can help save them! Go a step further...if you have a site, add the Amber Alerts to it! If we all do, these pictures will be seen all over the world, and increase the chance of saving these children!This is one resolution I promise I will keep!
~Amber Alerts Page~

1 comment:

ShabbyInTheCity said...

This is such a good idea! And I hope your blog reaches the corners of the earth! Blogs are really having a great impact in many ways.