Now this is how to live, just look at this antique boudoir or bedroom chair I found at auction this past weekend! A celery green damask upholstery, a feminine round seat with a gorgeous butterfly back! These legs are original to the piece which is late victorian!
I only wish my boudoir deserved a beauty such as this! Those were the days, fine living and elegance was of the utmost importance, as it should be! Brand new in my shoppe this week!

Now, for the crazy part! This little business of mine has completely taken over my little 4 room cottage and 1 car garage. I have tried every form of organization to keep it all in place, but it is impossible. Right now, my tiny laundry room is being used as a packing station, but its getting very hard to open the wash machine to do laundry. The garage is full, I have a huge dining set in there that I need to photo and get listed on ebay. Then there are about 30 boxes of items from an estate I bought out, not to mention 3 cabinets of fabric...I was really going to put handmade items on my site this winter, but I cannot make my way to the fabric cabinets!
There are no less than 6 chandeliers I was making over before the big chill hit here, and now I can't stand to be in the garage for more than a second or so...the house is too small to spray paint in, or it will be all over my new kitchen! The only extra bedroom we have currently serves as my office, the closet is packed, I have 2 armoires packed, another cabinet, my desk, under the bed, everywhere!
I could take it no more, so...I rented a storage facility to house my finds until I can refurbish them. Its only a few blocks away, so I can run over there often. Now, should it house the "waiting to be made into treasures?" Or should it house the "its on my website or ebay, leave it there till it sells?" Or should it house only the large furniture?
I really must sit down and think this through, before I go positively looney!
Not sure how I found you...we are doing business vey close to one might enjoy my two blogs
Normally I post roses, too, but da
Bears took over the other day...too bad we had to deal with Rex
Love love Love your blogs! So nice to see someone nearby who understands our style! Will add you to my favs!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I love this bedroom chair. If only our house was finished...
You really post lovely goodies over here!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my Valentine's heART give-away. You might have seen on my blog that went to someone else... ;-(( Nevertheless, I hope you'll pass by my blog again very soon!
Cannot wait for updates.
These things do seem to take on a life of their own don't
Never mind that, pretty soon you'll have to move into a brick and mortar place where you can entertain customers and work on projects inbetween....and oh yes, keep posting. We love it!
LOVE IT!!! Why is it that parting with these vintage wonders that "Call Our Names" when we see them, is such sweet sorrow???
I have added you as one of my favorite blogs to read Arlene.
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters, in your neighboring state of Iowa)
LOVE YOUR BLOG ARLENE & isn't it just awful how we accumulate so much stuff that we just HAVE to have!!! When you love the style we all love we just can't pass up anything vintage sweet! keep posting~it's so much fun reading here!
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