I was in a bit of a funk all day, have a horrible head cold and could not concentrate on listing...the littlest thing was irritating me...went to take the dogs outside, we always use the plastic grocery bags to pick up the mess. I keep them in a cabinet in the laundry room, opened the door to grab a bag, and they all fell out all over the floor...again. Makes me crazy! So, I made this..........

Then, feeling a little bit better since at least I had accomplished something...decided it was time to get some more items on my website and ebay...went into my office, took one look at my shabby (not in a good way shabby) desk chair and decided I would make this...........

Can you tell I had this old bedsheet that I don't use anymore?
At least I feel like I accomplished something today...and now I'm scouring the house looking for what else could use a makeover...which is just about everything!
I have such a good time here!!!!!!
AND we are neighbors!
I'm loading tons of wonderful shabycottagelike items to my ebay page today...you can link from my sidebar...what's your ebay seller name?
What a cute bag for doggy duty :)
Thanks for the comment on my site! Your site looks great-- I'll add you to my favorites too!
Love the bag holder and chair cover. Hope you are feeling better.
Thankyou for your message on my blog too! It's encouraging to know if someone is reading it! I have added you to my favourites and had a look at your website too - very nice things on there.
Love love love it~~~~ Can you come over and make over some of my chairs???
Hope you get to feeling better as I know how you feel. Our sickness here hung around 3 weeks....YUCK!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
I hope that by now, your head cold is all better. -sigh-
You made something in pink. Yes, that would have to make you feel better. :-)
I love your blog. It has not just pictures but a lot of wonderful information. I will visit often!
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