I've stumbled upon a blog that is all about organization, I am intrigued. Organization is not one of my finer points. Not sure why, when I worked as a manager, I was able to organize and multitask quite easily, but it does not work here at home! My boys are grown and on their own, I now work full time from home, yet still, my organization skills are lacking. I start one thing, something distracts me, I start another, and before you know it, I have a million half finished things going on. This site is so inspiring, I'm going for it. Check it out here if you are needing help as well...
She is definitely going on my favorites list, and may become my idol!
So, I listed my Saturday Habits on the sidebar, and here is my first menu plan monday, although I started late in the game!
Monday - Pick up sandwiches since 24 is on and I can have no interruptions!
Tuesday - Chicken Soup with dumplings
Wednesday - Broiled Fish, salad, asparagus
Thursday - Broiled Steak, Sauteed spinach, salad
Friday - Sandwich at the auction
Saturday - Restaurant after Church
Sunday - Roast beef, mashed potatoes, steamed brocoli, salad
Now, I want you all to know that I was up until 4am giving digital scrapping a try...didn't work...I don't know what I am doing wrong, but Adobe Photoshop Elements and I are not getting along, I cannot figure out how to digital scrap, even after reading some tutorials! This is the template I purchased, but I cannot seem to make it work!

I'll try again tonight, and please, someone, make me give it up at a decent hour!
I also downloaded the video "The Secret" after watching a few minutes of it on Google. This sounds powerful, and if Oprah recommends it, it must be for real. Tonight after "24" hubby and I are watching "The Secret." I'll let you know what I think!

Last, someone asked me about the lamp in the background of this picture. It is falling apart, but I am putting it back together and this will be a keeper! The shade that came with it was horrendous, so out that has gone already, and I am on the hunt for the perfect shade. Any suggestions?

Wow, this is an ambitious post today. Very nice. I am starting to think that I might need some organizing as well because I can't seem to keep anything straight lately. Maybe its because we're so cooped up with the nasty weather.
Well you get organized, we'll be over for a decent meal and I'll defrost your paint.
Power is going off temporarily per the electrician. This construction business is a pain!
I'll visit again tomorrow.
Hello! Nice to "meet" you and thanks for the kind words! I just wanted to say thanks for joining in Menu Plan Monday and I had to laugh at your Monday meal. That cracks me up because I'm the same way when it comes to MY shows. I hate being interrupted..lol. Okay and something else we have in common...adobe photoshop and I are not on nice terms...in fact I'm pretty sure we hate each other because I certainly can't figure it out either....I just thought it was me!
Happy organizing to you!
I've used Menu Planner for a few weeks now. I've never been so organised in the kitchen! There's six of us all with slightly different tastes, but each week gets easier because I pinch other ideas too.
I'm English, living in Ireland and I am going to try some American menus 'real soon' lol
Have a great week
Thanks for sharing the organization blog, I have also added it to my favorites ~ I think we all struggle in this area of our lives! As for the lampshade, I was at Target the other day and they had some new Shabby Chic shades (finally!) that had the sweetest little ruffle around the bottom edge, and I was tempted to buy one even though I don't need one. Otherwise, you should try covering a plain shade with fabric. It's really quite easy, you just need some tacky glue and pretty trim. I just covered an old ivory shade with lace and it turned out great! The challenge with lamps is always finding a shade that is the right size and compliments it's shape. Well, it's out to shovel the drive and then do a little menu planning (and straighten out the bathroom shelves, clean the kitchen cabinets, file some papers.......)!
I have all but begged these digi-scrappers to HELP but I can't figure it out either...maybe it is a gene you have to be born with???
You go girlie
I love, love, love vintage lamps and shades. Two of my favorite lamp shade makers are Petah at The*Pink*Boudoir and Coll at CollsGarden on ebay. If you'd like me to send you a few pic's, just let me know and I'd be happy to do so =) Debbie
Stick with it! I am bound and determined to "get" this digital scrapping. I am trying to understand Paint Shop Pro X.
Thanks for joining us for Smart Habit Saturday Arlene! I can't wait to find out how your habits went this week. See you Saturday!
Arlene don't give up on the digi scrap, it took me forever to learn, and I am still learning! Once you start, you get addicted.. trust me!
What type of fish do you use in your Broiled Fish recipe?
See you next week.
Don't give up on Photoshop Elements! You CAN do it! I've got some tutorials (free) to teach you. www.hummiesworld.com
I'm gonna make other addicts. >grin>
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